Number plate registration
Using high-end infrared and color ANPR cameras we deliver results that meets the highest requirements of our customers.
ADR registration (dangerous goods)
Connection Systems is specialized in extensive ADR registration, where we use ADR tuned infrared and colour cameras.
Traffic measurement
We offer techniques and systems for data and image delivery for a wide range of traffic purposes like researches, monitoring, counting and classification.
Traffic studies
Using a variety of identification techniques (ANPR, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) different types of traffic researches are possible.
Crowd Management
Connection Systems has developed various techniques and technologies to support Crowd management.
Bicycle counting and tracking
By combining and integrating multiple techniques like video, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Connection Systems can collect data on bikes for further analysis.
Law enforcement
Connection Systems uses their ANPR camera experience in safety and law enforcement solutions.
Video surveillance
Connection Systems delivers safety agencies such as Police and event-organisers the use of camera surveillance on temporary and mid-long term basis.
Onderzoek wijst uit dat in Nederland circa 8,6 miljoen inwoners regelmatig geluidsoverlast ondervinden, dit leidt tot deels ernstige gezondheidsklachten.
Noesis akoestische technologie biedt overheden en bedrijven de mogelijkheid om makkelijker en goedkoper geluid te kunnen meten. Hierdoor kunnen oorzaken beter in kaart worden gebracht en gerichter maatregelen worden genomen tegen geluidsoverlast. Hiermee kan Noesis een belangrijke rol spelen op het gebied van preventie van gezondheidsklachten.